
2019 Green Industry Benchmark Report




It was a good year for green industry businesses.


Revenue Growth was Robust in 2018.

A remarkable 75% of respondents grew their revenue in 2018. Even better, 38% saw growth in excess of 10%.

Profit Margins Remained Steady.

 23% saw profit margins above 20% and another 33% had margins between 11 and 20%

More of the same is expected in 2019.

39% expect to grow by 10+% in 2019, and  86% of respondents expect to grow their revenue year-over-year.

But not everything is rainbows and puppy dogs.

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Economic Optimism has Waned.

Just 37% of respondents expect the economy to improve, down from 70% a year ago. 17% expect it to worse, up from 7% a year ago.
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Finding Employees is Hard.

92% found it to be Very Difficult or Somewhat Difficult to find good employees with nearly half saying it was Very Difficult.
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Vendor Price Increases Coming?

11% of respondents who said they planned to raise prices this year are doing so because their vendors are raising prices. That's nearly double what was found a year ago.

Take a peek inside the Benchmark Report.